FAQ Topformats

Question 1: What is TopFormats?

Answer: TopFormats is an online script editor, beautifier, minifier, converter of JSON, XML, HTML, CSS, JS/Javascript, PHP, C#, Python and String/Function Utility For Most Developers.


Question 2: I don’t know how to write data / programs on TopFormats. Are there any samples available??

Answer: Yes, your will find many sample programs in our samples section. Now, You go to sample codes.


Question 3: Is there any memory or time constraints for the submitted functions?

Answer: Yes, they are as follows: beautify time: 3 seconds, minify time: 4 seconds


Question 4: What should I do when I get internal error?

Answer: Resubmit your code once or twice. If that doesn’t help please Contact us.


Question 5: What is the data storage policy / privacy policy?

Answer: When user clicks on Save Online button, we store data in database. We don’t store any data unless User click on Save Online button.

Example: if user is copy json data and Click Beautify or Minify Button, we don’t store any data in this process. If user want to save this data, user can click on Save button.


Question 5: How can I get in touch with us?

Answer: Please send me feedback or your valuable suggestions at Contact us.

My name is John DevWeb. I’m 30 years old. I’m come from Australia. I enjoy working as a R&D team leader. I like AI Technology Research and Free Smart Tools that help everyone in the world. ILOVEFORMAT is one of the tools that I am Researching. I hope to help everyone in the world.

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