Where am i right now?

Check location where Am I Right Now or My GPS location – shows your current location on maps and allows you to share what address, street name, suburb, county, town, city, state, country you are in, what mile marker you are at, nearby landmarks, hotels, gas station, hospital, stores, malls etc. This site is very useful to instantly know your current location and surrounding details on HERE or Google maps.

How it Works?

A browser’s HTML5 Geolocation feature along with the Maps JavaScript API is used in our “Where Am I Right Now” website to find your current location on a map. The latitude and longitude values are used in this API to fetch the details of your current location from HERE or Google maps.

If you are accessing this website using a desktop computer with Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge, the Geolocation API uses the network routing addresses to estimate your current location. When you are accessing this website using your smart phone (iPhone or Android mobile), the Geolocation API uses the internal GPS device to find your current location on map and give you detailed information: your public IP address, full location address, town, suburb, city, country, district, state, county, zip code, timezone, sunrise, sunset, map coordinates and GPS coordinates. To know the nearby landmarks, hotels, motels, restaurants, parks, hospital, schools, stores, gas stations, malls, building, apartment, mile marker etc., please refer to the map. Your current location shown on this map is not the exact location, it’s an estimated result of your location. The returned information for your location address shows how accurate the details of your current location are.